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  • Turning passion into a job: an Interview with Monica Mendez Ain

    It’s1998. Monica Mendez Aineros lands in England from Galicia, leaving the warm colors of Spain for the colder, greyish shades of Northern Europe. She doesn’t know yet that photography is going to become a key element in her life. Fast forward 5 years and Monica is now a successful phot...
  • How were Shakespeare's plays performed 4 centuries ago?

    Some say Shakespeare’s plays are evergreen, they will never come out of fashion. But what has changed since his first play Julius Caesar was staged at the Globe Theatre in 1599?   Female roles were played by men You may have heard of that in the 17th century England there were no actresses. Wom...
  • A Hollywood tutorial on female corpses

      How does Hollywood deal with a topic like death? Apparently in a careful, repeated, methodic manner. Check out the filmmaker Kristy Guevara-Flanagan’s latest short documentary called What Happened To Her and you will find an unintended tutorial on how (not) to represent dead female bod...
  • Japanese print making: how woodblock printing changed art

    When in 1853, the Commander in charge of the US fleet Matthew Perry arrived to Edo Bay, Japan, he didn’t know that his arrival would be not only important for the history of both countries, but also momentous for Western Art. Alighted in Edo to negotiate a delicate commercial trade with the Ja...